Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February Venturing Forum - Adult Leader Recognition

Join us Thursday as Andy Wagstaff, a unit commissioner from the Springville West Stake, presents on Adult Leader Recognition.  We've had a good sized group lately, so come prepared with any questions or discussion related to Venturing.

I also heard back from Gordon Lowe on the Venturing Biathalon held last month.  He said that although there were not any units from Springville who attended (correction, see comments below, Unit 1459 attended and had a blast!), the council or his district has sponsored this successful event for almost 20 years.  He plans on it happening again every year during the second week of January.  So, if your crew is interested, you might start planning for it on January 8-9, 2016 at Miller's Flat in Fairview canyon.


  1. My Venturing / Varsity group (Unit 1459 Spring Creek 20th) attended the biathlon. It was fun. The more active boys enjoyed it. Some of the the less fit kids struggled, as you might expect though.

  2. Glad to hear your unit attended Kevin! I let Gordon Low know you guys were there. Perhaps this activity could become a great tradition in the future for your unit!

  3. More from our district executive, Randy Keys, on the fun biathlon:
