Sunday, September 14, 2014

September Forum Topic - Crew Officer's Briefing and Seminar

September's forum focused on the Venturing Crew Officer's Briefing and Venturing Crew Officer's Seminar.  The briefing for crew officer's is just that, brief.  The purpose of the briefing is to get all of the crew officer's on the same page to prepare for the crew officer's seminar.  The crew officer's seminar is the annual planning event.

The BSA developed a great Venturing Crew Officer's Orientation that gives a high level overview of the briefing, seminar and the tools used to prepare for the seminar, including the PCI and AIS.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

August Venturing Forum - The PCI and AIS

August's Forum focused on the Program Capability Inventory (PCI) and Activity Interest Survey (AIS) Venturing tools.  We learned that the PCI + AIS = Venturing Program Possibilities.

The PCI and AIS tools help us as advisers discover the needs and interests of our young men, letting us help them develop an effective Venturing program.  

The LDS Church's Venturing site says it best:

"Venturing focuses primarily on the needs and interests of young men, using the talents of Church members and other community specialists to help them explore their interests and prepare for missionary service and other key aspects of their lives."